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Your business and your results in real time
Simple and immediately actionable dashboards
Liz's dashboards give you an overview of everything your customers are saying.
Topics covered, associated sentiment, comparisons between sales outlets, irritants to correct, weak signals to monitor...
You have control over your entire ecosystem, so nothing is left to chance.
Operational management
Simply answer to reviews and take immediate actions !
Depending on the emotional content of each new opinion or verbatim received in Liz, notifications are sent to recipients likely to react.
Notifications can be sent by e-mail, SMS or directly into your CRM.
You can respond directly from Liz or your CRM.
Understand what to prioritize
Use Liz's AI to design your own action plan
Liz's “priority action map” highlights the themes that have the greatest impact on the emotional score (score raised by emotions).
Depending on the frequency of each theme and its impact, 4 standard actions are suggested.
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